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SAP SuccessFactors reporting tools retirement - What You Need To Know

You need to prepare for the retirement of SAP SuccessFactors legacy operational reporting tools in 2024. 3n Strategy will help you migrate to new reporting tools and develop a People Analytics strategy to minimise business disruption.

By now, you may be aware that SAP has announced the forthcoming retirement of legacy operational reporting tools in SAP SuccessFactors. 

Although SuccessFactors customers will have at least a year before the tools are formally retired (exact dates below), it is critical that readers start planning for the changes now and put in place a succession roadmap so that minimal business disruption occurs.

As a SuccessFactors user, steps you should consider undertaking include:

  1. Assessing your internal dependency on the legacy reporting tools
  2. Deciding when you will migrate to the new reporting tools
  3. Identifying skills and training required to use the new reporting tools
  4. Developing a People Analytics strategy to support ongoing reporting functions

3n Strategy has summarised key points of interest about the legacy operational tools retirement so that you can begin to make informed decisions about the above. If you need further assistance with these steps, please do contact us here.

Which SuccessFactors reporting tools are being phased out?

The legacy operational tools include the following:

  • Table (AdHoc)
  • Canvas (ORD, including Advanced Reporting and Detailed Reporting)
  • Tile-based Dashboards
  • Classic Reports

For Operational Reporting in SAP SuccessFactors, customers will need to make the move to Report Stories. This post will address some common questions about the legacy tools retirement and the next steps customers should take to succeed with Report Stories.

What are the details of SuccessFactors legacy reporting tools retirement?

Since the release of Report Stories in 2020, SAP has expressed their intention to make Report Stories the singular SuccessFactors operational reporting solution. The retirement dates are as follows:

  • Classic Reports: 2H 2024 release in November 2024.
  • Table, Canvas, and Tile-based Dashboards: 2H 2025 release in November 2025.    

Will Canvas reports for Workforce Analytics (WFA) be retired?

No. Canvas reports will continue to be available for WFA dashboards.    

Why should we use Report Stories?  What are some key features? 

Key features of Report Stories include:

  • A fresh, modern dashboarding interface based upon SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) Story functionality.
  • A single data model for all SuccessFactors modules.
  • Integration into Report Center module for report creation, sharing, organisation, and more.
  • The ability to report on modules unavailable through the legacy tools including Onboarding 2.0, Job Profile Builder, Dynamic Teams, Opportunity Marketplace, and more.
  • Full integration with RBP for target population and field-level data permissions.  

What do we need to do? How can we migrate reports from Table, Canvas, or Tile-based Dashboards to Report Stories?

It is not possible to directly migrate legacy reports into Report Stories. SuccessFactors customers will need to create new Report Stories to replace existing legacy reports.  They can do this on their own, or work with a SAP partner like 3n Strategy.

We currently have a Report Stories Quick Start offer: Learn how it can turbo charge your migration efforts.

How can I learn about how to create reports in Report Stories?

A customer can attend a training with SAP or an SAP partner like 3n Strategy.  

Can we simply recreate our numerous existing list reports in Report Stories?

Yes, it is possible to simply recreate your list reports in Report Stories. However, a key feature of Report Stories is the ability to create dynamic dashboards with interactive charts and graphs. This is your opportunity to re-imagine your operational reporting to make it more usable and interactive for your leaders!

What are some key steps for moving our operational reporting to Report Stories?

  1. Implement Cloud Identity Services (including IAS) and Report Stories.
  2. Train your team to become Report Stories experts.  
  3. Build an existing report inventory and understand what your questions report consumers need to answer.
  4. Create a People Analytics Specification document that clearly defines your metrics. 
  5. Re-imagine and design your reports in Report Stories.  Take advantage of the dynamic visualisation features of Report Stories.

What Report Stories and People Analytics services does 3NS offer?

3n Strategy offers a number of Report Stories and People Analytics services, including People Analytics Strategy and Vision, Dashboard Design and Migration, WFA and Stories Functional Training and Guides, and ongoing Technical Support.

Click here for more information about our services.

Final Thoughts

SAP has announced retirement dates of the SuccessFactors operational reporting tools.  If you haven't already, now is the time to prepare for the transition, and begin to take advantage of the many features of Report Stories.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss how we can help, please contact us. 

Mike Hoekstra

Principal consultant and author at 3n Strategy.

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